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Membership Awards

Great job, everyone! Thank you for making YOUR Hill PTA so awesome!!
Dear J. L. Hill Elementary PTA,

Congratulations on earning the 2017 President’s List Award!

This is a very prestigious distinction. It’s the first time a membership increase and achieving Good Standing status were both required to earn the award.

I want to offer my heartiest thanks for your commitment to backing the future by increasing membership, a vital and critical component to our success as an association. I also want to commend you on achieving Good Standing Status before the deadline and despite changes to the governing documents review requirements.
I firmly believe that your President’s List Award emblem is a badge of honor. Why? You are one of only 564 PTAs in the state of Texas that earned this award. I hope you will show it off with pride in your PTA emails, social media channels, and website.
I am confident J. L. Hill Elementary PTA will continue to shine for the remaining school year and beyond.
With warm regards,

Lisa Holbrook

Texas PTA President

J. L. Hill Elementary PTA earned the Welcome Back Award, placing you and your team in the top 8% of PTAs in Texas! What's more, those 10 new members you recruited in January put J. L. Hill Elementary PTA one step closer to recruiting one Voice for Every Child. We hope you will show off the Welcome Back Award emblem to your PTA membership and community with pride. Congratulations!

Congratulations on reaching 5% membership growth over last year's total! Your PTA really put the pedal to the metal with 273 members as of January 31. We're thrilled by your achievement!
Your PTA is entered to win one of three $1,000 cash prizes from our friends at Chrysler. And as a bonus, your PTA will be entered again each month through April!* Winners will be announced in May during a LIVE drawing on Facebook. Make sure to follow our social media channels for news on the drawing date.

Thank you for all of your hard work. Together we are building a bigger, stronger PTA.

Congratulations J. L. Hill Elementary PTA Leaders for being one of 835PTAs that achieved the Three Year High Award from Texas PTA! We are sending you a big high five for this accomplishment.
Take some time to celebrate because recruiting more members than you had last year AND the two years before is a huge milestone for you and for the students across the state of Texas

J. L. Hill Elementary PTA leaders and members deserve to celebrate after achieving the Reaching High Award this April. What a great accomplishment it is to grow your PTA for three consecutive years!
We hope you will share this Reaching High Award logo with your membership and school community with great pride. J. L. Hill Elementary PTA has shown unwavering commitment in backing the future of all students.

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